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 Terramaïre's gardens​

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The eco­hamlet project wishes to welcome people interested in producing food and crafts with respect for life, in coherence with the land, in order to live from it.

The hamlet, dating from the XVI th century, used to be, like most of the Cévenols "mas", a"magnanerie" (silk worm farm) and/or a chestnut grove. Remains of that history are stlll present in the architecture as well as in the landscape.

Ecological and permacultural farming that takes into account that history and the natural potential, will take place on the site in order to produce healthy and life respecting food.

Our activity will also be about sharing, experimenting, teaching and hosting workshops and training.

People wishing to learn and put their hands in the dirt will be welcome as WWOOFers or for training so they will be able to experiment growing food differently and living in an eco-

“Terramaïre's Gardens” (possibly as a collective project) will be in charge of managing agricultural activities on our land.

"A 10 hectare organic and permacultural educational farm"

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